departure pao

1 min readAug 1, 2022

Time passes, good people don’t always get rewarded, bad people don’t always get punished, online or irl but either way living in this scene for more than a decade I was able to experience rare moments. Moments that literally shaped my life for the good and also left some scars. Four days ago for the first time in months I logged into my accounts. To my surprise chatting about the reason of my absence turned out to be still painful. Just like everyone else I am a human being with a private life but this isn’t the only reason for my decision today. For a longer time this once very vibrant scene transformed into a static, reactionary sphere.

Time passes, we all got older, private life took away more hours, priorities in life changed. Where I am today is thanks to this scene, where I will be in a few months is thank to this scene, something I have been working on for a long time.

Time passes and I won’t push for a longer lifetime of this secret life anymore. I will leave everything and everyone behind, vms will be shutdown and wiped, private keys destroyed. Take care.

PS: As clear as this message is, I want to reiterate: Don’t send me any mails, dms or wire request re ops, any projects for lightning nodes, btcpayservers or anything else. I will not reply because I won’t log in ever again. It will be left to die.

