Comment: To ensure that a “stalker, ex-partner, disapproving relative or random crazy” isn’t able find the information regarding female citizens or AKP members in general, I’ve decided to edit the post, to cut off the parts mentioning the source archive and files I analyzed.
This post will be short analysis about the most significant files in 3 different archives in the AKP dump — please pay attention that the purpose of the listed files isn’t to prove the uselessness of the leak as a whole, it’s to show the lack of work put into it.
What is actually in the AKP dump?
Registered female members
Contains a list of 79 files for 79 out of 81 provinces of Turkey. Following information is listed for all enfranchised female citizens for the November 2015 elections: membership status, name, family name, mothers name, fathers name, place of birth, birthday, sex, town, province, adresses — furthermore the personal identification number is visible if the female citizen is a registered member of the AKP.
All these files have been created on the 13th and 14th of October 2015, 1 month prior to the November 2015 elections. Another indicator for the verification of the files is the actual number of female citizen listed. According to WikiPedia, on November 1st Aksaray had a total of 254.360 citizens who allowed to vote during the general elections while the file re Aksaray itself lists a total of 130.031 female voters. Again, the personal information of all enfranchised female citizens of 79/81 provinces are listed and those who have been listed as members aren’t probably voting for other parties.
Lets do some math. We have the personal information of all enfranchised female citizens of the last general election: We have 79/81 provinces, a quick look will tell that Izmir isn’t amongst them but Istanbul and Ankara are. All provinces with more than 1 million votes are in the files aswell. According to the Supreme Electoral Council of Turkey the total number of enfranchised people for that election was 54.049.940 — so lets take that number minus Izmir’s enfranchised citizens (3.104.343), minus Çankırı’s enfranchised citizens (129.917), and lets pretend only 40% were female voters; we land at 20.326.272 enfranchised women.

So I don’t only have the personal information of 20+ million female voters but I also certainly know who voted for the AKP looking if they are a registered member of not. Edit: I’ve added the actual numbers, you can see them on the picture to the left.
active, passive and deceased
This archive contains 3 list of registered party members in the whole country who are either active(9.299.527), passive(256.386) or deceased (64.026) with following information: town and district, personal ID numbers, name, family name, membership status. According to a post on the AKP website on the 4th of April 2016, the party is about to reach 10 million members.
Relatives and members
Files in the directory are related to every district and province and contains probably a list of registered AKP members who are siblings and are in the same residence. Listed are thousands of members and following information; personal ID number, name, family name, province, town, district, adresses incl. house numbers, mother name, father name etc.
I, as someone who started with internet activism in the first place because of WikiLeaks and Anonymous, can’t see any reason in leaking… dumping all the files. Additional, I couldn’t find any kind of useful information in those leaks (not including the data and parts of the mail archives) which could expose any kind of party related wrongdoings. This wasn’t just a dump of personal information, it also listed registered members of the AKP which is dangerous especially during the current chess play on who will rule Turkey, Erdogan or his former friend Gülen.
I believe in the free flow of information, I believe in exposing the wrongsdoings of govs, companies and individuals the legal and illegal way. But, but I also believe that there is no point in exposing those at the end of a letter who are allied to a party. And to be very harsh, I remember the days in the near past when house doors of alevis have been marked, WikiLeaks did the same virtually, not with the same intention but sadly with the same result.
Dumping these leaks without actually analyzing or at least separating useful and useless information seems to be still a problem. To resolve problems, to learn from mistakes it requires that you recognize that there is one. And WikiLeaks hasn’t done that, yet.